- Route marking:
- white/red tape (From Zalesie the tape will be reflective).
- green paint (in some places, sharp orange colour)
- paper marking on trees – poles (they will be visible)
There are situations where the locals or other people just pull the tapes off – that’s why you should look at the gps tracker, because despite the fact that we will probably mark it exactly 3-4 days, it does not mean that all the tapes will survive. As much as possible, we will try to mark fragments of tarmac and stones – but be vigilant! 10 mile route– we will check it before the start – there should be no problems. Gpx tracker has been prepared by us on the basis of the route we have run it – however, as this equipment, sometimes it may have a slight detachment. 10 mile route– we will check it before the start – there should be no problems - Refreshment points along the route:
- 1 RP- Zyndrama mountain – around17 miles (for the 40 and 100 mile races)
- 2 RP- Łukowica – around 27,6 miles (for the 40 and 100 mile races)
- 3 RP Stara Wieś/ Siekierczyna 36,5 miles (for the 40 and 100 mile races)
- 4 RP Zalesie 42,9 miles (finish line for the 40 mile race and refreshment point/dropbag for the100 mile race)
- 5 RP Łopień around 52,5 miles for the 100 mile route (for the 60 mile race around 9,3 miles)
- 6 RPJurków around 60,6 miles for the100 mile route (for the 60 mile route around 18.6 miles)
- 7 RP Łętowe/Wilkowicko around 76,2 miles for the 100 mile route( for the 60 mile route around 33,2 miles)
- 8 RP Jurków II around 89,3 miles for the 100 mile route( for the 60 mile route, around 45,3 miles)
At all points will be:water, natural iso (water + honey + lemon and some salt), natural juices, cola, biscuits, bananas, kabanos, candy jelly, sticks or other similar salty snacks, chocolate, on points in Łukowica, Jurków, Zalesie (there will be warm meals + coffee + tea: ordinary and mint) Dropbag – due to the fact that on the first part you will run a bit on the grass, we do not want your feet to get slaughtered at the beginning of the race, hence we will make a mini-pier in Łukowica (small sack: shoes, socks or something to change into) – for the distance of 100 I 40 miles. We invite you to take advantage of this change, because the weather is going to be promising with the presence of rain, so it’s not worth taking a risk. II dropbag – deposit (finish line) – within the race office III dropbag for the 60 and 100 mile distances in Jurkow (bag max 30 l- weight limit of 5 kg). You will able to leave the dropbags frpm 02.05.2019 in the race office from 15-20:00. lAlso before the start 03.05.2019 from 5:30 (there will be someone who will take the dropbags just before race start). We will have Vaseline and cream for abrasions on the drop bag points. In addition to the control and refreshment points, there will be 2 or 3 control points located on the route (no food) – no presence at control / control and nutrition points is disqualification .Each runner moves along the route designated by the organizer. It is permissible to help third parties only at the control / refreshment points.The help of third parties outside the control / refreshment points may result in the runner being disqualified. There will be no online tracking of runners – but we will have a link for online results from checkpoints. IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT If something happens to you and you need help from emergency services, please call GOPR (Mountain Rescue knows the entire route – they will be ready in case of an emergency) – tel +48 601 100 300 NOT FINISHING THE RACE If the runner is not able to continue running, he or she reports it either at the checkpoint or by phone to the organizer UNDER THE PHONE NUMBER +48 690 617 466 The organizer provides transport to competitors from points: Łukowica, Jurków, from the remaining points, if there is no concern about health or life of the runner, the runner deciding not to finish the run must ensure transport himself on the race (unless he will be able to wait for closing of the check point, then the runner will be taken by a team of volunteers). FINISH AND AWARD CEREMONY After the race, there will be showers availble in the race office for runners, then you will able to come back to your accommodation / home 🙂 If it will not rain- in the evening – May 3 (for runners of 40 miles and other volunteers), 4 May for 100 mile runners and anyone else, who will be able to sit and relax after the race, organize a bonfire around the finish line 🙂 Award ceremony will take place on 05.05.2019 at 10:00 |